[GSBN] Prefab hoe-down

Lars Keller larskeller at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 21:18:49 UTC 2016

Hi Chris,
Thank you for sharing this.
This sounds very interesting.
I will not be sttending the CASBA, but maybe an eventual prefab summit
could be videotaped ?

Den onsdag den 24. februar 2016 skrev Chris Magwood <
chris at endeavourcentre.org>:

> Hi John,
> We've approached building panels in every conceivable way... on-site
> tilt-up plastered horizontal, on-site tilt-up plastered vertical; built
> off-site unplastered, built off-site preplastered; built off-site with
> mag-board finish; and currently we're working on built off site system with
> no plaster, using wood fiber board sheathing on both sides. We've framed
> them with lumber, with Durisol sheets, with TJIs, with Tectum... I feel
> like there aren't very many versions we haven't built with. In total, we've
> been involved with about 35 prefab bale buildings now.
> I made the tilt-up suggestion for the fire victims because we have found
> that to be the fastest and least expensive approach (by far), and so for
> bringing the most affordable form of straw bale construction to people, I
> think this can't be beat, whether it's done by a professional crew or the
> home owners, or some hybrid of the two. I'm sure this could be adapted to
> California requirements (do the interior coat of plaster horizontal, stand
> the panels up and apply full mesh wrap to the exterior and plaster
> vertical?). Built on site in tilt-up form, the walls can also be built as
> continuous panels between door and window openings, so there needn't be
> seams other than the openings. This is one advantage of this approach...
> the panels don't have to be sized for transportation or handling.
> However the prefabrication is done, we have found that it beat site bale
> construction times and costs hands down. We use the tilt up version when
> cost is the driving factor and when the off-site shop space isn't available
> or affordable. A reasonably sized one story house can be panelized in this
> form in two to three days, fully plastered, so it's not much of slow-down
> for the construction timeline. However, there are lots of advantages to
> building off site in advance... We have found that two people and a boom
> truck or small crane can install the pre-plastered panels so quickly that
> the cost for the equipment is negligible or less than having more bodies on
> site. Essentially, we've found that there's a prefab strategy for every
> scenario!
> It would be amazing to have a prefab summit at the CASBA meeting. We've
> done so much work we'd be glad to share with everybody.
> Chris
> --
> Chris Magwood
> Director, Endeavour Centre
> www.endeavourcentre.org
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