[GSBN] German Intern Interested in Work in US - Late 2016

David Arkin, AIA david at arkintilt.com
Thu Dec 3 20:01:10 UTC 2015

Hello GSBN:

CASBA received the following inquiry:

> Hello Mr Arkin, 
> my Name is Matthias. At the moment I visit a further aducation of construction in Germany. My dissertation is about a house of straw and I have made an internship at a straw house projekt aswell. I could imagine to make one more in the US at the end of 2016.
> May you have any tip for me, who to write for informations about a job in a construction company or any projects, witch taking place in 2016.
> Best regards 
> Matthias Hollecker

Matthias Hollecker:  hollecker at gmx.de

Please contact him directly if you have a project he might be able to assist you with.  



*  *  *  *  *
David Arkin, AIA, Director
California Straw Building Association
CASBA is a project of the Tides Center

CASBA Info E-mail
info at strawbuilding.org

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