[GSBN] Looking for Jumbo bale tips and details

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 20:17:33 UTC 2015

G ' day Chris

We have built several jumbo straw bale buildings and here are the links to
some of them:

1.  Steel Frame Infill Lethbridge Home
8'x3'x2' on edge earth, earth and lime, and lime render in 3 coats.

2.  Steel Frame In-fill Ballarat Home
<http://glassford.com.au/main/projects-menu/ballarat-jumbo-bale/>  8'x3'x2'
on edge Lime render

3.  Nalawalla Community Hall Sydney
8'x3'x2' Load Bearing on flat lime render

4.  Valhalla Winery Victoria
<http://glassford.com.au/main/projects-menu/valhalla-winery/>  8'x3'x2'
Load Bearing on flat lime render

5.  Ganmain Home NSW
8'x3'x2' Load Bearing on edge lime render external earthen render internal

6.  Lethbridge Winery Victoria
<http://glassford.com.au/main/projects-menu/lethbridge-winery/> 8'x3'x3'
Load Bearing on flat cement render

Happy to discuss any of the above off list and send you details if I have
them in picture format.  You should be able to get a good idea from the
links above for windows and doors.  All were pre-compressed in the early
days using high tensile fencing wire and gripples and the latest using all
thread rods.

All of the above buildings are working very well, with zero call backs for
warranty or problem solving, so they work and work very well.

The oldest of the above jumbo bale buildings is the Lethbridge Winery and I
have a folder on the details however it was a long time ago now around
2001.  The camera that I used in those days was less than 1 meg. one of the
first Kodak digital cameras.

I hope that helps mate.  I do not have any updated photos but one day we
will revisit all of our buildings and update them, BUT that will take a
month of Sundays, we have so many now on the ground apart from the above
jumbos that is.

Kind regards
​The Straw Wolf

Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
61 2 6927 6027
In Australia (02) 6927 6027
Mobile 0412 11 61 57
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