[GSBN] ISBC2016 - Call for Abstracts Deadline extended

Min Hall minhall at xnet.co.nz
Fri Feb 27 22:09:03 UTC 2015

Hi Catherine – Can you please email me at min at strawbuildconference.co.nz and we can continue the discussion off the network. Emails from people who wish to participate are not a burden!

Sounds like you have heaps to offer which is great and we are wrapt that you are coming. You can fly into Auckland or Christchurch. The flight Auckland to Christchurch is an hour and twenty minutes.




From: GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com [mailto:GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com] On Behalf Of Builders Without Borders
Sent: Saturday, 28 February 2015 8:34 a.m.
To: Global Straw Building Network
Subject: Re: [GSBN] ISBC2016 - Call for Abstracts Deadline extended


Hello Min,

I'm planning to come to the ISBC next year, but had actually thought about a presentation.  Sorry to burden you with more email....  I could offer several powerpoint presentations that can be tailored to any time slot, and hope you will give me guidance to which one(s) that might fit your agenda best.  Then I will flesh the descriptions out to fit your abstract form.

 They include:  

Straw Bale Home Design Essentials: An introductory-level presentation that discusses important considerations for building with bales.  It includes protection from water at the foundation, roof, windows, etc., as well as the basic elements of passive solar design.

A World of Natural Building (or The Art of Natural Building): A visual overview of natural building materials, and how they have been used in traditional, vernacular and contemporary natural buildings in differing climates of North America, Europe, China, Africa, New Zealand.


The Hybrid House – Top Ten Energy-Saving Building Strategies: Learn how non-toxic natural building materials, in combination with free energy from nature and cost-effective modern technology, can create comfortable spaces that reduce the energy requirements of a modern home.  (you saw this in Colorado, I believe)

The Builders Without Borders Ecohouse: A 30-minute presentation of the construction of a load-bearing straw-bale demonstration building in Washington D.C.   The BWB exhibit includes clay and lime plasters, a standing seam metal roof, an adobe arch, and a bamboo shade structure.

I would also bring copies of the newly revised and expanded 2nd edition of The Art of Natural Building, (which includes some images from my trip to Aotearoa) and my book, The New Strawbale Home. 

Thanks for your feedback!   

BTW, which airport would I fly into?  Auckland? 

Catherine Wanek
Builders Without Borders
 <http://www.builderswithoutborders.org/> www.builderswithoutborders.org

Ecological builders working together for a sustainable future.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Min Hall <minhall at xnet.co.nz <mailto:minhall at xnet.co.nz> > wrote:

That’s great – looking forward to receiving it and seeing you next year.



From: GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com <mailto:GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com>  [mailto:GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com <mailto:GSBN-bounces at sustainablesources.com> ] On Behalf Of John Glassford
Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2015 2:13 p.m.
To: Global Straw Building Network
Subject: Re: [GSBN] ISBC2016 - Call for Abstracts Deadline extended


G ' day Min


I was hoping that you would be able to extend the deadline.


We are still on track just so busy right now.


I have started to prepare a paper on our SITUPS and I hope to have it done in time for the original time frame.


Kind regards

Susan and John Glassford
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
61 2 6927 6027
In Australia (02) 6927 6027

Mobile 0412 11 61 57


Oloimugi Maasai Village <http://oloimugimaasai.org/> 

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GSBN at sustainablesources.com <mailto:GSBN at sustainablesources.com> 


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