[GSBN] Feuillette House photo
Andrew Thomson
ab3ajt at bath.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 16:01:14 UTC 2015
Hi All,
Pete Walker and I are contributing to a book chapter on straw bale
construction. We want to include a photo of the Feuillette House as an
example of an old SB house, however, neither of us have been there so
neither of us have any decent photos of it.
We were wondering if anyone would be able to send either myself
(a.j.thomson at bath.ac.uk) or Pete (p.walker at bath.ac.uk) a photo of the
house if they have one? We will of course acknowledge you as the source
of the photo in the figure caption.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best wishes, Andy
Dr Andrew Thomson MEng PhD
BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials
Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering
University of Bath
01225 386621
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