[GSBN] Shameless promotion from Mooseland

Frank Tettemer frank at livingsol.com
Thu Dec 11 14:20:10 UTC 2014

Chris Magwood, from the Endeavour Centre, _endeavour_centre.org 
<http://centre.org/> ,
has written a comprehensive article that was just published in Home 
Power magazine which creates a viable summary of assessment of building 
It is definitely worthy of our discussion group.

He also has a fine book, Making Better Buildings, that exhaustively 
lists and analyzes embodied energy,
"from harvesting raw ingredients to manufacture, transport, and use, to 
waste and disposal issues."
If you can't buy the book, then the five page magazine article sums it 
up quite well.
The article:

The book:

Frank Tettemer
Living Sol ~ Building and Design
613 756 3884

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