[GSBN] nominations

Graeme North graeme at ecodesign.co.nz
Mon Aug 25 22:36:41 UTC 2014

HI Kevin - how are you going? Hope you had a good summer for cobbling!  

As you may have picked up, you have been nominated by Tom Woolley and seconded by me to be a member of the GSBN network, but it seems that this may have slipped you by?

We would love to have you on board, but you do need to sign up to the list.

If you wish to do this and if you have any trouble carrying this out, please contact Bill below and he will guide you through the process.


Graeme North Architects
49 Matthew Road
New Zealand 0981
tel/fax +64 (0)9 4259305


On 26/08/2014, at 4:32 AM, Bill Christensen <billc at greenbuilder.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We had a couple of nominations hanging out there - Brad Young of Fairfield IA and cob builder Kevin McCabe.  But due to poor follow through, Brad was on the 'read only' list until just now when I promoted him to contributing member status (WELCOME, Brad! from a fellow 'roo), and Kevin hasn't even joined the 'read only' list. Tom or Graham, are you willing to follow up on Kevin - invite him to the list and then let me know he's signed up.
> The same procedure goes for Enga - ask her to sign up for the list and let me know once she's there.  I can then make her a contributing member.
> Sign up is through the link in the footer of every message from the list.
> With all these cobbers and other not-pure-straw people coming in lately, perhaps we should change the name from Global Straw Building Network to Global Sustainable Building Network!
> -- 
> Bill Christensen
> http://SustainableSources.com
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> GSBN at sustainablesources.com
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