[GSBN] Our trip to Germany - Adventures and Discoveries

Strawtec strawbales at bigpond.com
Sun Aug 17 05:42:20 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

This is our latest newsletter letting you know about our trip to Germany. We had the pleasure of meeting and reconnecting with some leading movers and shakers in the natural building world and want to share our experience with you.

Frank attended the “Fremder Freiheitsschacht” guild conference in Wildpoldsried. Of particular note is the connections Frank makes with carpenters from all across the world during these conferences, which provides them all a fantastic opportunity to discuss and learn from each other. The Baviarian state newspaper “Oberallgauer Zeitung” wrote an article featuring Frank simply because of the distance he travelled to attend.

Also at Wildpoldsried is Gemeinde where clay panels with internal water heating pipes are manufactured. These panels can be retrofitted onto any wall or ceiling and then rendered over with clay. A fantastic budget conscious option for improving the heating method and health of your home.

Next stop was Geneva for a book launch with Kofi Annan. What an amazing speaker with the power to inspire so many.

Off to Delft in The Netherlands – to meet with Paul at Treeplast. This is the company which has engineered and designed the world’s only strawbale screw. We are very excited to be bringing this screw into Australia and to begin working with and testing it. First test – termite resistance!

UfaFabrik (www.ufafabrik.de), in Berlin is a community hub with 20 grass roofed buildings. We met with Warner Wiartalla who led a group tour of this interesting and peaceful haven right in the middle of the hustle and bustle.

We later attended a talk on “Clay Restoration” presented by Dr Ing Christof Ziegert at the University for Architecture and Engineering in Berlin. Here she discussed the latest innovative techniques for restoration of some earthquake, termite and salt damaged structures using nature's oldest building materials.

At Dresden we met with Maria Teichmann owner and educator of beautiful clay polished artworks and finishes. An interesting afternoon of learning ensured there...

Seiben linden is an Eco village where over 25 strawbale homes and general purpose buildings have been built. Some fabulous ideas were garnered from this amazing place and we’ve included some photos to get you thinking about ideas for your projects.

Final work stop was as a guest presenter for FAL.e.V. This is the home of the European training centre for earth building, the clay builders from all over Europe are united in Wangelin in the far north of Germany. Workshop title for the day was “Afforable building for the soul”.

Also at Wangelin is the only Earth Building Museum in Europe – “Lehmmuseum Gnevsdorf”. This museum displays everything construction that can be done with clay and straw. In the picture below soil samples from across the world – what great render colours are out there!

We hope you have enjoyed this update and the pictures from our trip. We look forward to bringing all of our new found knowledge and experience to you soon.

PS – We will be holding the opening of our new education centre at St Georges Basin in Spring... come and join us for pizza and music.....more details to follow soon.

ABN:210 3009 6559 Builder Lic: 115643C
Ph: +61 (0) 2 44435282  Mobile: +61 (0) 408415806

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strawbales at bigpond.com

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Strawtec · 16 Fisherman Road · St Georges Basin, NSW 2540 · Australia

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