[GSBN] FASBA: New German Approval for strawbuilding, 5-storey SB- building unveiled

Novak Agnes novag at labor5.hu
Wed Jul 16 16:01:34 UTC 2014

That is fantastic! You are doing so effective. 

Congrat from Hungarian balers!

Agnes NOVAK, Dr. PhD
Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest,
novag at labor5.hu
+36 20 933 1547

On Jul 16, 2014, at 4:16 PM, Dirk Scharmer wrote:

Dear worldwide strawheads.
I just wanted to say that we've a new german so called "general" approval for straw as an insulation material. The main improvement is: it now allows to plaster directly on the straw (wasn't possible before), e.g. inside clay/ earth plaster outside lime plaster with hydrophobic paint. And some further less important changes, e.g. less restrictions for quality controls now (dimensions, binding, ...). We are able to use bales from nearby the building site without extra transportation, and by the way: for small residential building the manufacturer baustroh.deoffers a very easy and inexpenisive procedure. The client just calls the manufacturer, send 2 bales for pretest, if successful order full test. In addition to cost for the farmer and bale transportation from the field to site it currently costs 1.000€/ per house to have a fully legalised building material which allows the client to build extraordinary sustainable homes. There is no other fully legalised building material in Germany with such an easy and low cost certification.
In german language: http://fasba.de/images//z-23.11-1595%203.6.2014kl.pdf (translation into english is on the way, if you want to do it by your own, please send your text to me, that we can offer it on our website)
If you want to read more about our current situation in german: http://www.fnr.de/de/presse/pressemitteilungen/aktuelle-mitteilungen/aktuelle-nachricht/article/pm-2014-32/
And below you can see the yesterday unveiled 5-storey/ 1,800 sqm plastered SB building in Verden Northern Germany (designed by Thomas Isselhard and me) which will house the "Northern German centre for sustainable building" (translated title) in future.
Dirk Scharmer - Architect 

In de Masch 6
D- 21394 Suedergellersen
Tel.: +49 (0) 4131 727804
Fax.: +49 (0) 4131 727805
Email: mail at architekt-scharmer.de
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