[GSBN] New nominations

Bill Christensen billc at greenbuilder.com
Thu May 15 17:59:54 UTC 2014

Hi folks,

When making a nomination, please send an invitation to the nominee to 
join the list as a non-participating subscriber (aka 'lurker') by using 
the form at http://sustainablesources.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/GSBN (the 
URL is in the footer of every GSBN message, in the event you forget 
it.)  Make sure they fill in the name field (so I can look them up), and 
preferably include their location in that field too.

Once they've subscribed and have been approved by the assembled masses - 
or more realistically, have not been disapproved - I'll go over and take 
them off of Moderated status, allowing them to post to the list.


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