[GSBN] lime over hessien/ Cement Lime.

Lance Kairl sabale at bigpond.com
Tue Apr 29 22:09:01 UTC 2014

Cement in render mix,

Hi Sarah and All.


We also use Calcium Hydroxide .

We use Blended Cement  ( has min 25 percent fly ash content)


Ratio that we have used well for many years,

Is  4; 40;120     blended cement , lime , sand.  ( 1;10;30)



In reality our mix has become

7;40;128  blended cement; lime ; sand.


Why this ratio 

We use a large paddle mixer and the above measures are in litres,

7 litres is half a bag of blended cement,

40 litres is one and half bags of Builders lime,

And 128 litres is 40 good shovels of sand.

So ease of measurement has resulted in the mix.


We include micro fibres at 2kg per cubic metre

And scrim ( 10mm x10mm) mesh critical areas ( NOT all the wall)


Why this mix;

Builders lime readily available,

Blended cement readily available,

Fly ash content is beneficial possalanic material.

Cement gives us an early set,  scratch off at the end of the day,

And  enough stiffness to prevent rain wash off.


Proper Cureing, is still required,

And as always if render is kept damp and moist for several days 

Without drying the end product will be superior.


Cheers lance

House of Bales






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