[GSBN] lime over hessien

Kyle Holzhueter nihondaigaku.kairu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 14:02:50 UTC 2014


In Japan, there is a several hundred year history of applying Shikkui lime
plaster over earthen walls. Further details are available at the links
below, but I wanted to point out a couple prominent features:
1. Addition of seaweed glue to improve adhesion and moisture retention
2. Minimal sand is used, which reduces the weight of the plaster and
improves adhesion to the earthen plaster.
3. Addition of hemp fibers to improve flexibility and bending strength
4. Depending on the level of exposure, Shikkui finishes are expected to
last about 20 years. Exposed walls will experience delamination earlier,
protected walls will stay in good condition much longer. In this sense, the
Shikkui finish is a kind of sacrificial layer.

You might find the following links helpful:

Yours in mud,

Kyle Holzhueter  PhD (Bioresource Sciences)
Nihon University, Graduate School of Bioresource Sciences
Architectural and Regional Ecological Design Studio
1866 Kameino Fujisawa Kanagawa 252-0880 Japan

カイル・ホルツヒューター 博士(生物資源科学)
日本大学大学院 生物資源科学研究科
〒252-0880 神奈川県藤沢市亀井野1866

TEL/FAX: 0466-84-3364
Mobile: 080-3477-9841
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