[GSBN] Earth Related Practitioners and Natural Building Codes/Standards

Feile Butler feile at mudandwood.com
Wed Apr 2 16:11:14 UTC 2014

Hi everyone

Please find the most up to date list of earth-related practitioners on GSBN attached. If anyone wants to be added to it or to amend their information, let me know. Some of you have included associations you are involved with, which is a good thing to know, e.g. if you are board members of various natural building associations, etc.

Andy Horn had queried what standards and codes are available around the world for natural buildings - does anyone have any follow ups on that? Regulation seems to be getting tighter and tighter, so the more science and approved data we can throw at the authorities, the more natural buildings will be be built (and the easier it will be to convince clients that it need not be a big them-and-us battle).

Kind Regards

Féile Butler
MRIAI B.Arch Dip. Arch Conservation Grade III

Assigned Certifier

Co-Director of Earth Buidling UK

Mud and Wood

Grange Beg, Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland

T:  +353 (0) 71 930 0488 

M: +353 (0) 86 806 8382

E : feile at mudandwood.com

W: www.mudandwood.com

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