[GSBN] Map updates
asbn at baubiologie.at
Sat Feb 8 11:12:58 UTC 2014
Dear Bill and GSBN-balers
Since 1998 straw balers like Martin (Oehlmann), Pascal (Thepaut),
Harald (Wedig) and Axel (Linde)
with the help of Matts and Judy from "overseas"
tried to establish something like an ESBN (European Straw Bale Network),
to coordinate the efforts, workshops, research in straw bale building
in Europe,
form Networks (as national information-centers) and cooperations
between national Networks.
In 1999, when I first visited the ESBG (European Straw Bale Gathering)
in Denmark organised by Lars (Keller),
Matts and David where birth-helpers of this loose cooperation,
structurally similar to the GSBN and yet "part of it",
with a mailing-list (similar to this one), coordinated by Jan (Hollan)
to exchange the news
Here are the archives for those, who want to look at it: http://amper.ped.muni.cz/pipermail/strawbale/
Since 1999 we Eurobalers did an ESBG (now) every 2 years, alternating
with the ISBBC
in UK, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Czech Rep. and Poland
and formed "international" cooperations and more European Networks.
Now we have a situation of having networks in many European countries,
France: Les Compaillons (Le Réseau Français de la Construction en
Paille, RFCP)
France-South: LeGabion
Germany: Fasba (Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V.)
Spain: RCP - Red Construction con Paja
Holland/The Netherlands: Strobouw Nederland
Austria: asbn - Austrian Straw Bale Network
Slovakia: ArTUR
Belgium: Casacalida
Italy: LaBoa
Poland: Grupa Cohabitat
Czech Rep.: Ekodum Civic Association and Permalot
Hungary: Szalmahaz
Sweden: Ecotopia
Finland: Luomura & The Finnish Claybuilders Association
Scandinavia: NOL - Nordic Organisation for Loam Building
UK: amazonails & WISE
Denmark: Halmbygger-Netvaerk i L.Ø.B
as well as really engaged single balers, who often act(ed) as national
info-coordinators, like
Lars Keller & Steen Møeller - Denmark, Barbara Jones - UK, Bee Rowan -
UK, André de Bouter - Fr,
Harald Wedig - DE, Romania, Gernot Minke - DE, Catarina Pinto - PT,
Werner Schmidt - CH,
Rolf Jacobson & Arild Berg - NOR, Tom Ryjven, Stro B.V., Cai van
Hoboken - NL, Chug Tugby - UK,
Tom Wooley - UK, Herwig van Soom - Belgium, Edita Milutiene -
Lithuania, Jenni Reuters - FI,
Margareta Schwarz - South Tyrol, Yevgeni Shirokov - Belarus, Jakub
Wihan - CZ, UK,
and many others...
So, when looking at your map, this is just a small part of the straw
bale activities in Europe
maybe the same (small part) as it is in US or Australia or New Zealand
or somewhere else.
As you know, communication in Europe is not as easy as in US or UK, we
have more than 20 different languages,
some engaged people speak english as well, some don't or don't want to,
we have official Networks and other private people, doing nearly the
same in a more regional way...
So when looking at your map you all have to be aware,
that these people are just members of the GSBN
and this is not a big picture of the Straw Bale Community in Europe or
Sure, we can try to invite some of these guys,
maybe some of them like to be a member of GSBN as well
some surely don't want because they don't speak english/american as
well as you
some are fed up with all these emails and communication every day
they just want to DO instead of writing about what and how to do...
So, this is just a try to give you another point of view on Europe,
which is really different to what the map says.
all the best
Herbert Gruber
asbn - austrian strawbale network
3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6
Am 07.02.2014 um 22:28 schrieb Bill Christensen:
> I'm glad y'all got a kick out of the map.
> Keep the updates coming in... It's a typical Google Map interface,
> so a complete address or your coordinates should work fine. Unless
> of course you're trying to avoid detection by the NSA or whomever,
> and want to be intentionally vague as to your whereabouts!
> And for those of you who asked, I can put more than one web address
> in the notes, as well as a short bit of descriptive text.
> I'll get to those over the weekend probably.
> Apologies to Bob Theis out in the ocean. I actually had a good
> address for him, but somehow didn't get his pointer moved to the
> right spot.
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