[GSBN] TLS update and Campaign

Jeff Ruppert jeff at odiseanet.com
Thu Jan 23 00:41:10 UTC 2014

Here at The Last Straw we are working feverishly to get Issue #62 out.  If you are a subscriber, expect to receive it around the beginning of February. Many of the articles are already up on our website and are accessible to current subscribers.

To re-start The Last Straw we knew it would require more resources than we would collect through subscriptions alone.  That is why we have always planned to ask for donations. This is your chance to support us and ensure we will continue delivering your favorite natural building journal.

To make this really easy for you, we have created a crowd-funding campaign at Indiegogo.com.  All we ask is that each and every one of you give a little bit. Our goal of $9,000 represents all of our fundraising planned for starting back up, so if we can do it all now you won't hear us asking for anything extra for a long time.

You can find our campaign here.  There are some cool perks for donations of $20 and above, including one pristine copy of Build It With Bales, v2 signed by Matts Myhrman and Steve McDonald.

If You Can't Donate
If you are unable to make a monetary contribution PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, at least email this to your network of friends and associate and tell them how important it is.  Or post it on your blog, to Facebook and Twitter.  If you are the director of an association, please share this with your members.  Let everyone know that TLS is here to stay and we need their help.

What to Expect
Some examples of what you can expect to see in the upcoming issues of TLS include a featured article with tons of beautiful pictures on natural building in Korea.  This is the first part of a series on Asian natural building and it is spectacular!  We talk about codes, how to deal with code officials and how straw bale construction and building science are evolving together.  We are working on stories covering large buildings, prefabricated panels and we tell you how to choose a natural hydraulic lime for your plasters.

Oh, did we mention that the new TLS will be in FULL COLOR!  The days of black and white are gone and more pictures will be included in each issue.

We hope this is enough to convince you to help us just a little bit.  Of course, subscribing and using some of the resources on our website are also great ways to show your support.

Once again, thank you for your valuable time and support as we bring TLS back to life.  And remember, every little bit helps!

Jeff Ruppert
To view this email in your browser use this link:   http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=02d95cdf160a1651802753028&id=86c69759c5

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