[GSBN] The EU wants 5% strawbuildings by 2020 says the Economist..

valentina maini vmaini at mac.com
Wed Dec 18 17:43:32 UTC 2013

Martin, John, Caroline, and all
as Herbert Gruber recently suggested on Leonardo group,  this article maybe very well connected with the EU funded ( eco-innovation) investigation on @Modcell ....based in the UK and with BathUniversity support 

I personally got in touch with the founder of this panels in 2011 and met with professionals here in spain that are collaborating in this EU funded program of analysis and implementation of this "patent" strawbale panels....i've seen fantastic software and marketing tools they were presenting at Eco event in London 2011

From my point of view and with very recent experiences on professional development of strawbale in Spain i think and see this article as a call for action to present the real value of strawbale and strawbale network..that goes, in my view, very much beyond the "simple" energy efficiency issue...
and i very important reminder for all that straw is not at all a really safe for the environment product...since is a byproduct of one of the most contaminated  human "fabric"...as industrial agriculture ...as very well reminds Luc Foissac in is great book on strawbale...

from my point of view...The very big risk/reality at the moment is that straw is used very much as a "simple" greenwash.....
 and even if  i really celebrate the greenwash for what it means in terms of getting rid of toxic materials...i think and personally value much more the social innovation related to strawbale... the ability of people and networks to create opportunity and solutions.... 

what is happening is just "business as usual" with a more eco-material... what the strawbale network gave me  me is much much more than simple "strawbale tech"... i learned.... thank to you all.... the value and the tools to innovate and collaborate and manage uncertainty.... and adapt and always look for the best solution for people, planet...and even profit... 

and personally i'm really convinced that the risk for environment and quality (equality) in our society is so big.....,  that is not enough anymore to "change" material... and hope that the strawbale network (that i value for itself) can make a huge step and show the world that strawbalers are bringing much more to community and economy that a "simple" prefab panel for passive house... a huge step to defend as the real value the mission and vision of all the pioneers in strawbale .... at least this is how i see you all ...

hope my english is good enough...and...my mind is getting clear on this issue just in this lasts months... so hope this comments are of some interest for you ;-)

best regards to you all, valentina
Valentina Maini

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El 18/12/2013, a las 17:39, John Swearingen escribió:

> Martin,
> I took the reference to "panels" to be an odd use of the word--the rest of the article refers only to bales.
> John
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:36 PM, M. Oehlmann <martinoehlmail at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Caroline. 
> The article is talking about straw panels and not about regular bales. Does anybody know more about details of a potential EU program to achieve this 5% target in 2020?
> Best wishes,
> Martin Oehlmann,
> Portugal
> 2013/12/12 Caroline Meyer White <hojtpaastraa at gmail.com>
> If anyonw out there finds a better reference to that EU statement, do let us know...
> http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2013/11/economist-explains-20?fsrc=scn/fb/wl/bl/ee/strawhousescomeback
> -- 
> Mvh
> Caroline Meyer White
> Rådgivende bygningsdesigningeniør
> Koordinator for den bæredygtige bosætning Grobund
> Friland 11
> 8410 Rønde
> Tlf.: 40761980
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> John Swearingen
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