[GSBN] SB learning opportunities in Ecuador or nearby

Chris Magwood chris at endeavourcentre.org
Thu Oct 24 00:13:52 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I've been contacted by a Faculty of Architecture professor in Ecuador 
who is looking to get some hands-on experience with straw bale 
construction. She was considering coming to Endeavour, but it seems odd 
to come all the way to Canada to learn, when the distance, cost and 
climate are all contrary.

If any of you can help direct her to more appropriate opportunities, 
that would be great!



Name: Dániaba Montesinos

Email:daniaba74 at hotmail.com

Message: Hello, I\'m Dániaba and I teach in the Faculty of Architecture of the Cuenca\'s University. Teach bioclimatic architecture, and I investigate the possibility to build with straw bales in Ecuador, my home country.

I\'m from Cuenca, Ecuador.

Chris Magwood
Director, Endeavour Centre

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