[GSBN] Prefab straw bale systems for TLS

jfstraube jfstraube at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 00:56:02 UTC 2013

A very wise comment by Lance, IMHO.
Labor costs, competitive material costs, and competitive wall system costs all vary widely in my experience.
In the US and Canada, there are projects where $400/sf (!) of wall area are budgeted, and others were it is tough to get $20.  Labor rates vary from under $20 to over $60/hr and productivity may vary by a factor of two.
The construction costs in central Stuggart are much much more than downtown Kansas City (real examples for me), and the costs of housing in San Francisco/Boston infill has almost nothing to do with suburban New Mexico.

On 2013-10-07, at 7:44 PM, Lance Kairl wrote:

> Greetings and All,
> It is my understanding the NatureBuilt crew may not be working for standard industry wages and conditions,
> And or your industry rates are rather different than ours...the product cost is a result of all ...all the input costs.
> As with one panel system here in Australia , owners and volunteers , can assist in the construction and rendering of the panels,
> This certainly affects the end cost of the product.
> For some countries , definitely including Australia” our level of insulation for “ cookie cutter houses” is around R 2.5 metric ( R 10 imperial)
> Compared to 5 -6 times that for a straw bale wall.  Our costing’s are not comparing Like to Like  in terms of insulation value.
> No one tries to achieve the same level of insulation here with other insulating materials.
> Thus another great advantage for Panel bale wall systems in the cold climates.
> Cheers lance
> House of Bales.
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John Straube

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