[GSBN] How many SB buildings have been constructed in far northern climates?

RT archilogic at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 24 19:51:13 UTC 2013

> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 12:56:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Sarah Seitz <sarahseitz5 at yahoo.com>

> How many SB buildings have been constructed in far northern climates?Can  
> anyone think of specific buildings in Northern AB/SK/MB, Alaska,  
> Yukon/NWT, Northern Ontario, Northern Norway, Sweden or Finland? I'd  
> love to hear about any firsthand observations of moisture accumulation  
> or IAQ issues in these climates.

I can hear the SB-Heads in Mongolia muttering:

  "So ! What are we ? Chicken liver ?"

(ie There are SBH there and despite the popular saying that Ottawa is the  
"coldest capital in the world" I'm pretty sure that Ulan Ba-a-a-tor is  

In the mid-to-late 1990's, Habib Gonzalez (who is on this List and was a  
resident of the Kootenays in BC at the time) and Rob Jolly (who is not on  
this List and who built his SBH near Edson AB)  fabricated a bunch of  
in-wall moisture sensors and stuck them in every imaginable orifice of a  
bunch of SBH throughout BC and AB and then collected data from those  
sensors and compiled them into reports which Don Fugler at CMHC Research  
had published by CMHC.

The plans for those sensors are still at the SB-r-Us Yahoogroup in the  
MOISTURE folder of the FILES section .
In Rob Joly's PDF document, he provided a brief synopsis of his 20-page  

The full reports should still be available from CMHC.

Also, I remember a fellow on the SB-r-Us list in the early days of that  
list who called himself "Loopy" (or maybe it was just me that called him  
that ?) -- a "Dale" [mumble,mumble, I forget his last name] who built one  
of the first SBH in Alaska, near Anchorage. Perhaps a search of the List  
archives will yield a bit more info about how that house faired and maybe,  
if he's still a member, how it's doing now.

I don't imagine that there are very many SBH (fewer than I have digits ?)  
in the Yukon,  NWT & Nunavut simply because trucking or flying straw bales  
up there from the cereal grain fields south of the 60th parallel would  
prohibitively expensive.

=== * ===
Rob Tom					AOD257
Kanata, Ontario, Canada

< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a  >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit "reply")

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