[GSBN] How many strawbale buildings in the USA?

David Arkin david at arkintilt.com
Mon Sep 23 22:33:15 UTC 2013

Hi Sarah:

We have one straw bale project in Alaska; it is approx. 12 years old, and is (so far as we understand via the owner) doing very well from both a performance and also a longevity point of view.  Here it is on our website:  http://www.arkintilt.com/projects/lodge/boreal.html

This part of Alaska is quite dry, relative to the coast or other parts, so it may not be the best comparable for you.  On the exterior it features a soil-cement scratch coat on the bales, finished with a log cull rain screen that protects it from both rain and any snow that could sit against it, though the overhangs and porches do most of that work.  This lodge is for summer use only, so we don't have any performance data during cold winter weather conditions. I visited about 1 1/2 years ago and everything seemed great.  

There is another straw bale project just south of here, on the Copper River, though I don't know much about it other than I've heard it is comfortable year 'round with very little additional energy input.  BTW, John Straube consulted on our project, and Frank Meyer did the bale work.  Kudos to them both!

David Arkin

On Sep 23, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Seitz <sarahseitz5 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello from Queen's!
> I have a question somewhat related to this one. How many SB buildings have been constructed in far northern climates? Can anyone think of specific buildings in Northern AB/SK/MB, Alaska, Yukon/NWT, Northern Ontario, Northern Norway, Sweden or Finland? I'd love to hear about any firsthand observations of moisture accumulation or IAQ issues in these climates.
> Thanks!
> Sarah

*  *  *  *  *
Arkin Tilt Architects
Ecological Planning & Design

David Arkin, AIA, Architect
LEED Accredited Professional
CA #C22459/NV #5030

1101 8th St. #180, Berkeley, CA  94710
510/528-9830 ext. 2#

"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."
— A. J. Muste 

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