[GSBN] new member

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 15 20:44:32 UTC 2013

I would like to nominate María Blender to the GSBN network. She is an  
arquitect living in Chile and part of the new Chilean SB network (the  
first national SB network in South America) and also speaks excelent  
English and perfect German. We met in the ESBG gathering in Poland and  
she was very enthusiastic about meeting more SB builders world-wide.

I would also like to nominate arq. Juanjo Garcí  Perez (originally  
from Spain) who now lives in Chile. He is one of the founders of the  
the Chilean network and also the oficial Representative of the Spanish  
Speaking Strawbale Network (www.casasedepaja.org) in South and Central  
America; he maintains a list of contacts of all people we know of  
interested in SB in South and Central America.


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