Sarah Johnston sarahjohnston at ihug.co.nz
Sat Aug 31 08:37:51 UTC 2013

Greetings all from New Zealand,

There has been a lot of enthusiasm here in NZ to host the next ISBC  
since COSBA so fantastically hosted the last ISBC in September 2012.   
We have currently set up a feasibility group to see if we can  
realistically host the next ISBC, most likely in 2016. We hope to have  
a decision within the next couple of months. The Earth Building  
Association of New Zealand (EBANZ) has their annual Conference late  
October and the feasibility group will be making a recommendation at  
that Conference.  I would imagine a decision would come shortly  
thereafter. We will then be in touch with you all to let you know the  
news and if you should start making your travel plans to the southern  

Thanks Hilde for the invitation to join you in 2015.


Sarah Johnston
Sol Design, Ltd.
50A Connolly Street
Geraldine New Zealand
03 693 7369
sarahjohnston at ihug.co.nz

On 30/08/2013, at 7:23 AM, info at casacalida.be wrote:

> Hello straw builders,
> here in Lodz, Poland, we are discussing our next ESBG in 2015. Is  
> there anything decided yet on the date and place of the next ISBC?
> We are thinking about doing the next one in France. There are 3500  
> French straw bale buildings including one 9-storey building. So if  
> you'd like to join, you're invited.
> Beste regards,
> Hilde (Belgium)
> Hilde Vanwildemeersch
> Het StroBuro cvba
> www.hetstroburo.be
> 0498 830 930
> hilde at hetstroburo.be
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