[GSBN] Something of interest from Italy

David Eisenberg strawnet at aol.com
Wed May 8 16:05:06 UTC 2013

Came across this just now and thought I'd share it:

Here's an online translation into English:

Wire Straw Fair "Food of Italy", Milan
Posted on May 8, 2013 in news

Saturday 4 and Sunday, May 5, 2013 Wire Straw was present at the event "Food of
Italy" held in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. A special thanks to then
Coldiretti Lombardy, who invited us to participate in this important national
event dedicated to food, the environment and the territory, aimed at
promoting initiatives to raise the quality of life with a focus on
sustainability. Sara and Francesca have set up and managed the stand of
straw, illustrating the activities of the study, presenting our plans and
our current and future initiatives, and are organizing two small
workshop within
which we have illustrated concretely how to build a wall in straw, from the
division of bales of straw, plastering. Goodbye Milan!

That last line makes me wonder if the actual translation is "Well, there
goes the neighborhood!"   :->

David not so Italian Eisenberg
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