[GSBN] Radon - Forgot to add.....

Feile Butler feile at mudandwood.com
Mon Apr 8 22:13:55 UTC 2013

Hi Anthony

I forgot to add an obvious point, but probably still worth mentioning.....

If you decide you do need to constantly mechanically extract, then make sure the pipe is rising up from the sump towards the extract fan (the incline can be minimal). You will get a condensation build up because of the air-pressure differential. It doesn't matter if that condensate is dripping back towards the sump. But if it is constantly dripping on to the fan, then its life will be greatly reduced.

Cheers again.


Féile Butler

MRIAI B.Arch Dip. Arch Conservation Grade III

Mud and Wood

Grange Beg, Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland

T:  +353 (0) 71 930 0488 

M: +353 (0) 86 806 8382

E : feile at mudandwood.com

W: www.mudandwood.com
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