[GSBN] FW: Owner Builder Research: Please circulate

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Tue Jan 1 17:43:58 UTC 2013

Forwarding this message for reply by any Aussies who might be interested.

Joyce Coppinger
ReBuild Associates
2110 South 33rd St., Lincoln NE 68506
<jc10508 at windstream.net>

------ Forwarded Message
From: Caroline Denigan <caroline at denigan.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 01:06:41 +1100
To: <thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
Subject: Owner Builder Research: Please circulate

Owner Builders Wanted
Hello there,
I am a doctoral research student at Deakin University documenting the
experiences of people in Australia who have built their own houses.
Currently I am recruiting Owner Builders and their partners to complete a
brief on-line survey. See: www.denigan.com <http://www.denigan.com/>  (A
paper version is available also)
 I would appreciate it if you could bring my research to the attention of
anyone one you know who has built their own house in Australia, such as
owner builders and their partners. It is not expected that they will have
built their house alone. Being a registered owner builder, partner of an
owner builder, a laborer or assistant to the builder of their own house is
This is stage four of the research. An extensive questionnaire, literature
review and field work have already been conducted. If you have any questions
please ask, I am very happy to answer them.
All the best,
Caroline Denigan
qqq at deakin.edu.au

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