[GSBN] The Haslow House in Nebraska

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Mon Nov 5 03:43:56 UTC 2012

This is one of the older bale buildings in Nebraska, located in Alliance. I
believe there was discussion on GSBN about the type of material baled for
use in this house after the bale was placed on view at the ISBC in Colorado.

Below is a quote from the Haslows about the bale material which was sent to
me by a person I helped get in touch with the Haslows about the house.

"The Haslow house was originally built by Jason Snow in 1913. The house was
built of rushes (a wetland plant) that were baled from the shallow lake
behind the house - the lake is named appropriately enough Rush Lake."

The plant shown in a photograph sent to me by Ian Smith looks like some type
of reed, probably rushes as Mr. Haslow said. There is a hollow tube in the
center with a fairly hard coating - the stem kind of looks like bamboo.
There are some other materials shown which may be the foliage from the tops
of the reeds or grasses mixed in with the reeds. There are many different
types of grasses growing around ponds, marshland and fens in the Sandhills.

Just adding what was shared.

I'm doing some other research at the Nebraska Historical Society later this
year - will add this to the list and share anything additionally learned.

Joyce Coppinger
ReBuild Associates
2110 South 33rd St., Lincoln NE 68506
<jc10508 at windstream.net>

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