[GSBN] Just how big is natural building?

asbn asbn at baubiologie.at
Mon May 14 09:33:00 UTC 2012

Dear Bruce

As we have just finished our new updated book about the European Straw Bale
Network (ESBN), here are the European networks and networkers (don't forget
them in the GSBN:-):

Austria: ASBN: Austrian Strawbale Network, Austria.
Website (german) www.baubiologie.at
We have 5 members in the board, about 150 members in our forum and about
6.000 (different) visitors/month on our website
Our (german) book was sold about 10.000times (1999 ­ 2012)

European Mailserver-list: amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
599 mail-list-members (language: english)

I don't have numbers for the following networks/networkers:

Belgium: CasaCalida and Herwig van Soom
Website (netherlands) www.casacalida.be, orca.skynetblogs.be

Denmark: Lars Keller (contact: lars_keller-at-hotmail.com), Steen Moeller,
Danish Organisation for Sustainable Building: www.lob.dk

Czech Republic: Ecodum, Permalot
Website: www.ekodum.ecn.cz, www.permalot.org

England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland:
Reset Development: Bee Rowan (Ex-amazonail)
Web (engl.) reset-development.org;
Strawbale Building: United Kingdom.
Web (englisch) www.strawbale-building.co.uk;
Straw Works: Barbara Jones (Ex-amazonails)
Web (engl.) www.strawworks.co.uk

Finland, Norway: Rolf Jacobson, Arild Berg
www.naturligbyggeri.no/halmhus, www.gaiaarkitekter.no

France: Réseau Français de la Construction Paille: Les Compaillons:
Web (french) www.compaillons.eu; www.lamaisonenpaille.com

Germany: Fasba: Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland.
Website (german) www.fasba.de

Hungary: Attila Meszaros
Website: (hungarian) www.szalmahaz.hu

Italy: Laboa
website (italian): www.laboa.it

Latvia: Edita Milutiene, Renewable Energy Information Consultation Center,
Website (some parts in english): www.siaudunamai.lt

The Netherlands: Strobouw Nederland
Website (netherlands) www.strobouw.nl; www.sveweb.nl

Poland: Grupa Cohabitat
Website (polish): www.cohabitat.net

Slovakia: ArTUR: Architecture for Sustainable Development
Website (slovakian) www.ozartur.sk

Spain: Red de Construcción con Paja
Website (spanish) www.casasdepaja.org

Sweden: newly founded Swedish network (26 members)
contact: Collette Coumans, halmbalsverige-at-gmail.com

Mit lieben Grüßen / best wishes
Herbert Gruber
asbn - austrian strawbale network
Österreichisches Netzwerk für Strohballenbau
3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6
Email: asbn at baubiologie.at

> Howdy, folks --
> Anyone else out there wonder just how many people are knowledgeable
> about, interested in, and/or wild about natural building?
> Me, too, and I'd like to start to map the territory for a group
> conversation at the upcoming International Straw Bale Building
> Conference in Colorado in September.  Which will of course really be
> about natural building in general.
> Here's just a first pass.  I would really appreciate if you could fill
> me in on what's happening in your area or country.
> Organization   location or base      Membership
> (however "organized"          (Even if you don't have "members", how
> many people receive
> you may or may not be)         your mailings / ever wrote you a check?)
> CASBA      California, USA    ????
> COSBA      Colorado, USA    ????
> Ecological Building Network California, USA    1400 / 500
> Natural Building Network  ???       ????
> ASRI      Victoria, Canada    ????
> Builder Without Borders  New Mexico, USA   ????
> Kleiwerks     North Carolina, USA   ????
> I KNOW I'm forgetting organizations even here in North America, much
> less on the other side of various ponds, so please help me here.
> Results, once collated, will of course be public.
> Thanks!
> Bruce King
> bruce at bruce-king.com
> http://bruce-king.com/
> (415) 987-7271
> Twitter: @brucekinggreen
> blog: http://bruceking.posterous.com/
> _______________________________________________
> GSBN mailing list
> GSBN at sustainablesources.com
> http://sustainablesources.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/GSBN

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