[GSBN] Just how big is natural building?

ejgeorge at riseup.net ejgeorge at riseup.net
Sun May 13 20:56:10 UTC 2012

Hi Bruce,

Natural Builders Northeast

Northeastern US (with some spillover into mid-Atlantic states &  
southeastern Canada)

76 subscribers to our email list, generally building professionals.

There are also number of smaller (& I think mostly less active)  
natural building groups in the region open to anyone - such as  
Fingerlakes Natural Building (125 subscribers to email list),  
Brattleboro Natural Building, etc...


Quoting Bruce King <bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org>:

> Howdy, folks --
> Anyone else out there wonder just how many people are knowledgeable   
> about, interested in, and/or wild about natural building?
> Me, too, and I'd like to start to map the territory for a group   
> conversation at the upcoming International Straw Bale Building   
> Conference in Colorado in September.  Which will of course really be  
>  about natural building in general.
> Here's just a first pass.  I would really appreciate if you could  
> fill  me in on what's happening in your area or country.
> Organization			location or base	    	Membership
> (however "organized" 									(Even if you don't have "members", how  
>  many people receive
> you may or may not be)									your mailings / ever wrote you a check?)
> CASBA						California, USA				????
> COSBA						Colorado, USA				????
> Ecological Building Network	California, USA				1400 / 500
> Natural Building Network		???							????
> ASRI						Victoria, Canada				????
> Builder Without Borders		New Mexico, USA			????
> Kleiwerks					North Carolina, USA			????
> I KNOW I'm forgetting organizations even here in North America, much  
>  less on the other side of various ponds, so please help me here.    
> Results, once collated, will of course be public.
> Thanks!
> Bruce King
> bruce at bruce-king.com
> http://bruce-king.com/
> (415) 987-7271
> Twitter: @brucekinggreen
> blog: http://bruceking.posterous.com/

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