[GSBN] Reminder: 2012 ISBC Proposal Deadline April 1st

Laura Bartels laura at greenweaverinc.com
Thu Mar 29 14:29:38 UTC 2012

Dear All,

Here's a reminder to please consider a presentation or hands-on demonstration proposal for the 2012 International Straw Builders' Conference (Sept 16-22, Estes Park, Colorado). Deadline for submissions is April 1st. The proposal form is easy and brief. Find it online at http://strawbaleconference.com/presentations.html. 

We encourage a wide range of presentation types including educational, informational, thought provoking issues, inspirational, case studies, project updates,  hands-on demonstrations, and more. 

Here are some seed ideas...
Structural Systems
Prefab/Straw Panel Technology
Jumbo Bale Technology
Commercial and Industrial Case Studies
Energy Modeling and Certifications
Insurance, Financing, Appraisals
Tribal efforts and case studies
Developing world projects
Educational Programs
National and Regional Associations
Straw Bale Codes and Guidelines (Anyone able to present on the French Regles Professionalles de la construction paille?)
Life Cycle Assessment, Embodied Energy
New research in moisture, fire, indoor air quality, acoustics, etc.
Repairs in Straw Wall Systems
Plaster Systems, Additives, Sealers and techniques such as Tadelakt

Several have written or called to discuss their range of ideas and gauge them against what proposals we already have received. Feel free to do the same. 

Hope to see you in September in the Rocky Mountains. 


Laura Bartels
GreenWeaver Inc.
520 S. Third St., Suite 5 
Carbondale, CO 81623

Register now for the International Straw Builders Conference at www.strawbaleconference.com

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