[GSBN] Natural Building Companion/ NBNE gathering

Derek Roff derek at unm.edu
Wed Mar 7 02:35:58 UTC 2012

It's a wonderful slide show and fabulous music.  It may not be possible to avoid it with the free version of that software, but the Wondershare logo is aggravating.  If the creator wants to send me the photos and music file, I will recreate the presentation in a different software, without the logo.  It's such a nice presentation, it deserves to be seen unblemished.  This will mean shipping a lot of bytes around, but I think it is worth the trouble.  Or maybe someone else has a different solution.  


Derek Roff
derek at unm.edu

On Mar 6, 2012, at 6:06 PM, ejgeorge at riseup.net wrote:

> We also had our annual Pecha Kucha slide show which one member turned into a YouTube video - feel free to check out what your Northeastern US counterparts have been up to!  Our gathering this year was in Buffalo, NY so there's an emphasis on retrofits, deconstruction, & materials reuse, along with retrospectives, project or trip highlights, and more. Enjoy!
> http://youtu.be/PpGtL-S7S84

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