[GSBN] Ontario Straw Bale Builder's Coalition

Frank Tettemer frank at livingsol.com
Fri Feb 24 14:21:51 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Straw Bale is definitely alive and well in snowy Ontario, Canada.  This 
breaking news from the Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition:

This year's Annual General Meeting will be held in the straw bale 
Outdoor Education Centre, the main hall at Camp Kawartha
(home of the 2006 ISBBC).
We invite you to join us for two days of professional development. We 
are excited about what we have organized and look forward to spending 
time with you exploring the current trends and controversies in various 
natural building systems including wood, earth and straw.

Did I say controversies?  Topics and speakers like:

  * Ross Elliott on 2012 building code energy requirements and the
    Passive House standard in natural buildings;
  * Ace McCarlton on thermal modeling, envelope strategies and air leakage;
  * Tina Therrien on Timber Frame Construction Details;
  * Chris Magwood on building rating systems

Not too controversial, until we get to talking about Alternative 
Compliance pathways through the Ontario Building Code,
substituting natural building materials for petro-chemically-inclined 
XPS Foam,
aiding countries like Haiti and Thailand in their re-construction 
and any other topics that seem to emerge among a gathering of sensitive 
new age bale heads.

For further information, and to register, please go to:



Frank Tettemer
Living Sol ~ Building and Design
613 756 3884

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