[GSBN] Update, question re: proposed SB code (hay bales)

Chris Magwood chris at chrismagwood.ca
Wed Feb 15 16:30:20 UTC 2012

Hi Martin,

We're in the midst of preparing an "Alternative Solutions" package for 
straw bale here in Ontario, a kind of back-door route to code approval 
that was created when Canada moved to its new objective-based codes, so 
I certainly have some sense of what you're going through. I never want 
to see another set of decimalized references again ( (a) 
(iii).... aaaahhh!!!!).

I think the time of harvest issue is not really that important a point. 
The vast majority of bale builders use cereal grain bales, and farmers 
don't harvest cereal grains until the plant has ripened and dried. Any 
of the grains I know about would be useless if harvested green, so the 
only time this becomes an issue is if someone is using non-traditional 
grasses to bale. While it would be great to ensure that these are 
properly dry when harvested, I think you'd be spending a lot of time to 
ensure that a tiny percentage of builders aren't courting a potential 

Can you use the term "cereal grain" and/or "seed-producing grasses" 
rather than define specific varieties. There must be a real farming term 
that encompasses all such crops that could be used here.

I'd like to chime in with my own words of appreciation for what you're 



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