[GSBN] HUD and straw bale

huffnpuff at q.com huffnpuff at q.com
Thu Jan 12 19:35:57 UTC 2012



Try Bob Gough gough .bob@ gmail .com   I believe HUD and/or EPA may be funding some Native Americans to attend our International SB Conference in July  http ://www. strawbaleconference .com/ . I will contact you off line for further discussion. 

Mark 'always plugging'  Schueneman 
303-444-6027 hm. 
303-591-9841 cell 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Mark Jensen" < markj @ redfeather .org> 
To: GSBN@ sustainablesources .com 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:11:16 PM 
Subject: [GSBN] HUD and straw bale 

Greetings fellow straw enthusiasts, 


I have a question for y’all. Our organization Red Feather Development Group is looking into possible funding via one of the national housing nonprofits that receive federal dollars to administer a  HUD Self-help homeownership opportunity program (SHOP). Do any of you know if HUD recognizes straw bale construction as fundable housing? Red Feather doesn ’t build enough homes a year to qualify on their own and would need to be umbrella’d under a larger program, but again the bigger question would be HUD recognizing straw bale construction. 


Thanks for any input. 



Mark Jensen 

Construction Program Director 


Red Feather Development Group 

PO Box 907 

Bozeman , MT 59771-0907 

T: (406)585-7188 

F: (406)585-7187 


markj @ redfeather .org    www. redfeather .org 


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