[GSBN] health (ill) effects of earthen floors

Bruce King bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
Thu Jan 5 16:31:40 UTC 2012

Happy New Year, baleheads!

I came across the article linked below about how adding concrete over  
earthen floors has a measurable positive impact on occupant health--   
especially children's.  Many of us think "Yuck!" at the idea of  
concrete instead of earthen floors, but you can't argue with the  

Anyone have a rebuttal or additional relevant information?  At the  
very least, this seems like something we natural building types should  
take a cool-headed look at.

Paving Paradise - by Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy


Bruce "Cool Head Cold Feet" King

bruce at bruce-king.com
(415) 987-7271
Twitter: @brucekinggreen
blog: bruceking.posterous.com
Skype: brucekingokok

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