[GSBN] Environmental effects of foam insulations

strawnet at aol.com strawnet at aol.com
Mon Jan 2 23:11:11 UTC 2012

Global warming potential and embodied energy aren't the only things to look at of course. There's good information at the Green Science Policy Institute website on the toxicity and prevalence of flame retardants in foam insulation: 
and here: 
and a research paper on halogenated flame retardants downloadable here: 

 David Eisenberg


-----Original Message-----
From: David Elfstrom <listbox at elfstrom.com>
To: GSBN <GSBN at sustainablesources.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 2, 2012 3:22 pm
Subject: Re: [GSBN] Environmental effects of foam insulations

              For the Passive Buildings Canada AGM we had Danny Harvey from U of T    and Ryan Daglish from CUFCA speak on both sides of the topic, at    least as it pertains to global warming potential of blowing agents.    Harvey's presentation had the most recent data available (compared    to the EBN and articles that relied on his earlier work)

    On 1/02/12 4:40 PM, Chris Magwood wrote:    
Hi      all, and happy new year to all of you!      
      I am trying to research the environmental impacts of the      production of EPS and XPS foam insulations. Obviously, this      industry is on the defensive, because all I can find are      industry-sponsored glossy brochures touting the complete      benevolence of foam insulations and industry-sponsored tests that      give me a bunch of numbers I can't understand, no comparisons of      those numbers to other materials and a "see, it's all good"      conclusion.      
      Environmental Building News has had some articles that have been      helpful. Any other suggestions?      
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