[GSBN] The saddest news...

Dan Smith dan at dsaarch.com
Tue Dec 27 17:58:00 UTC 2011

Well said Bruce, Judy Knox was a remarkable inspiration as I got  
introduced to the straw bale revival, infusing it with personal  
warmth, larger social relevance, and community.

Warmest sympathy,

Dan Smith

On Dec 26, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Bruce King wrote:

> Matts, I'm hoping that you will see all these wonderful eulogies, if  
> not immediately, then whenever you may get around to looking at  
> email.  We send you warm hugs from all over the planet, or at least  
> from this little edge of the deep blue ocean.
> Many times I have wondered how the straw bale revival might have  
> played out if initiated by other types of people than Judy Knox (and  
> Matts Myhrman, and . . . ).  Every organization and movement  
> reflects and expresses the DNA of its founders, and we have been  
> especially blessed to have been kicked into gear by noble humans  
> with wishbones, backbones, and funnybones.
> Most of us were already in the building trades when we got bonked by  
> the straw bale revival, but so many of us, like me, had forgotten  
> that building stuff is fun.  We had forgotten that building can be  
> -- in fact has to be -- a wild, creative and especially social act.   
> We cannot build alone, or anyway I wouldn't want to.  For my part, I  
> (along with so many of you) have maybe contributed a bit with  
> understanding technical stuff like shearwall strength and insulation  
> and moisture durability.  But really, who gives a shit?  OK, sure,  
> that stuff is important in its way, sort of like taking out the  
> trash and knowing arithmetic and brushing your teeth.  But the straw  
> bale revival -- the unmovement that you all embody -- has weirdly  
> little to do with bales of straw, and everything to do with being  
> human in this stunning moment on Earth, in this amazing flash of  
> worldwide Wow.
> It is my enormous pleasure and privilege to know so many of you  
> because of straw bale construction, and live in the hope of meeting  
> the rest of you.
> We owe more thanks to Judy than we know.
> Om shanti, om, om, om shanti, go in peace Judy
> Bruce King

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