[GSBN] Proposal for new member of GSBN Eric Maddern

tom.woolley at btconnect.com tom.woolley at btconnect.com
Tue Dec 6 14:39:45 UTC 2011

 Dear all
I am in North Wales at the moment and have been meeting with Eric Maddern
of Cae Mabon
I would like to propose him as a Strawbale and earth building practitioner
member of GSBN
You can find out all about Cae Mabon on the web site
 There are all sorts of eco buildings using straw and earth and local timber
Cae Mabon has been going for some time and I featured it in my book natural
Building a few years ago. One of the buildings was built by Ianto Evans
I don't know why I haven't suggested Eric before as his work is truly
inspirational. He is keen to do more building at Cae Mabon and values good
I hope there are others who will support me

Tom Woolley
eric at fachwen.org

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