[GSBN] Please vote for PAKSBAB in the GISTech-I Competition!

Darcey Donovan ecoengineering at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 04:13:57 UTC 2011

Dear GSBN friends,


PAKSBAB is competing in the GISTech-I (Global Innovation through Science and
Technology Initiative) competition for innovative solutions to economic
development problems.  Please click on this link http://youtu.be/z2d5bnWY5GE
to watch our video and then vote for us by clicking on the like button!  


For more information on the competition go to
http://gist.crdfglobal.org/gist-programs/gistech-i-competition.  To learn
more about PAKSBAB's work bringing safe, affordable and locally appropriate
building solutions to the developing world visit our website at


Please help us get more votes - pass this along to your network of family
and friends, post it on your Facebook wall, Tweet it, or share it on your


Thank you!


Surkhab and Darcey


Surkhab Khan, C.O.O.

Darcey Donovan, P.E., C.T.O.

Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB)



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