[GSBN] help a prisoner

Ann Edminster ann at annedminster.com
Sat Oct 15 21:55:41 UTC 2011

I'm sure I have some stuff, will try to remember to bring Weds.
Tx! :)

*Ann V. Edminster, M.Arch. *
LEED AP+Homes, LEED for Homes Green Rater
author of *Energy Free: Homes for a Small
115 Angelita Avenue ▪ Pacifica, CA 94044
v 650-355-9150 ▪ f 650-359-4257
ann at a <ann at designavenues.net>nnedminster.com

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Bruce King <bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org>wrote:

> Here's an interesting item:
> Green Building Press received a letter asking us to send every book and
> magazine we have on green building.  I was about to toss it out -- many of
> us get requests like this, right? -- but then figured out that this guy is
> in prison and just trying to educate himself with the very limited resources
> available to him.
> So I pass this along, in hopes that any of you might be moved to help.  His
> name is William Jennings, aka Carl Glennings, an inmate in Pennsylvania.  He
> would like any books, magazines, picture books, catalogs, etc on the subject
> of LEED homes, Green Building Standards, natural home building.  In addition
> he'd like information packages about green home building products and
> directories.  He seems to really want pictures and visual material.
> Does anybody have stuff on their shelves that could go in to such a
> package?  We will send him copies of Green Building Press books and include
> anything you might be able to contribute  Send to us and I'll put together a
> box for a Thanksgiving present, so get it to me by November 5.
> Or mail to him directly if you wish, I'm sure he'll appreciate anything you
> can manage:
> William Jennings, aka Carl Glennings
> EL175G
> 175 Progress Drive
> Waynesburg, PA  15370
> *There's a specific thanks to Ann Edminster for her book, "Energy Free",
> which he purchased, and which I can say in complete objectivity you should
> too if you haven't already.*
>   Thanks,
> Bruce King, PE
> Green Building Press
> bruce at ecobuildnetwork.org
> PO Box 6397
> San Rafael, CA 94903 USA
> (415) 987-7271
> follow us on Twitter: @EBNetwork
> blog:  http://bruceking.posterous.com/
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