[GSBN] Straw Bale Construction in the IGCC

Joy Bennett mbenn1035 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 24 21:19:53 UTC 2011

may be aware of an effort being spearheaded by CASBA member and architect
Martin Hammer to include a straw bale section in the International Green
Construction Code (IGCC).  The IGCC is a new model code being developed by
the International Code Council (ICC).  The ICC publishes the commonly used
series of "I-Codes", including the International Building Code (IBC),
which is the basis for virtually every building code in the U.S.  

The IGCC will go through the final hearing process November 4-6 in Phoenix,
Arizona, and will be published in 2012.  Although it covers
non-residential buildings only, it promises to attract broad attention and is
expected to be adopted by many jurisdictions within and outside the U.S..

Having a straw bale section in the International Green Construction Code would
be a high water mark for straw bale codes in the U.S., and would be a
significant step towards inclusion in the IBC, and application to all
occupancies including residential.  Even before then, as part of the IGCC,
it would likely become the default straw bale building code in many
need your help in continuing this effort that stands to benefit not only
California and CASBA members, but the North American and international straw
bale building community as a whole.

"Strawbale Construction" is currently an appendix in the most recent
draft of the IGCC,  which is attached to this appeal.  You can learn
more about the IGCC development process at http://www.iccsafe.org/cs/IGCC/Pages/default.aspx  

There was stiff opposition to the straw bale construction section at the
hearings in Dallas in May 2011.  Martin Hammer was the only person
defending it against what are mostly well-paid lobbyists for various industries
or private companies.  Similar opposition is expected at the upcoming
Final Action hearing, although adjustments to the code and additional
supporting documentation were recently presented to address opponents'
concerns.  In addition to Martin Hammer, David Eisenberg and civil
engineering professor Mark Aschheim will attend the Phoenix hearings to testify
on behalf of the straw bale appendix.

Over the years CASBA has supported this important effort by paying expenses
associated with the code's development.  Occasionally they are
substantial, such as paying for airfare and hotel accommodations for Martin to
attend the Dallas hearings in May.  CASBA is requesting the support of our
sister straw bale organizations to help shoulder these expenses, as well as
expenses expected for attending the Final Action hearing in Phoenix.
 Those expenses are expected to be less than the Dallas expenses, because
of proximity, and lodging is expected to be provided by David Eisenberg.
 Nevertheless there are costs, and CASBA wishes to support, with your
help, Martin, David, and Mark so they do not need to shoulder the expenses
themselves.  It is the least we can do for these champions of straw bale
codes who have given so much of their time over the years towards this
important cause.

We anticipate that expenses for the Dallas meeting will be between $(US)1000
and $(US)1500. These are difficult financial times for most individuals and
organizations. However, we hope you can support these individuals and this effort
that we expect to benefit us all.
donations for this effort can be sent to  
Camp, Ca

Your help is appreciated.

Maurice and Joy Bennett
California Straw Building Association (CASBA)
Angels Camp, CA

You must be the change you want to see in the world.   Gandhi
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