[GSBN] Chris Magwood's new "Endeavour"

Tracy Thieriot tracy at thieriot.com
Thu Sep 8 13:33:15 UTC 2011


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Chris Magwood <chris at chrismagwood.ca> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I'm really pleased to be able to announce the launch of the web site for
> the new, not-for-profit education centre of which I am a founding director.
> I have decided to move on from my position at Fleming College and be part of
> this new initiative to create a more coherent and comprehensive sustainable
> building education centre, based in my hometown of Peterborough, Ontario,
> Canada.
> You can see the new web site here: www.endeavourcentre.org
> I hope you'll take a moment to check it out and hopefully link to it from
> your own web site. I'd be glad to reciprocate if you let me know.
> Those of you who are familiar with the program I started and have been
> running at Fleming College for the past seven years (!) will see a strong
> resemblance to that program in Endeavour's *Sustainable New Construction*program. A similar model is being applied to our
> *Sustainable Renovation* program. To these, we are adding a new *Sustainable
> Design* program as well. All of these are full-time, intensive programs
> with lots of hands-on involvement on the part of the students. Active
> participation in full-scale projects will continue to be at the core of our
> methodology.
> To these full-time programs, we're also adding a workshop schedule full of
> shorter courses on specific topics. If you're somebody who teaches workshops
> and you'd like to do so at Endeavour, please let us know. We're excited to
> be able to host lots of you in this part of the world and help you share
> what you do (while paying you to do so!).
> Of particular interest to members of GSBN is the fact that Endeavour will
> be able to accept students from outside Canada with no penalties or
> increased fees. This was not possible at Fleming College, and we look
> forward to the wider mix of students who will be able to join us from around
> the world.
> We've put a lot of work into trying to make the Endeavour web site
> informative. We are committed to "open source" sustainable building and I'm
> keen to continue building the site and adding more detail and documentary
> about what we do. I hope you find it interesting, and I'm keen to hear your
> feedback.
> I am really excited about this new Endeavour, and hope to include an awful
> lot of you in it at some point or another!
> Sincerely,
> Chris Magwood
> -- www.endeavourcentre.org
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