[GSBN] earthen floor sealer in Haiti

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 8 14:28:26 UTC 2011

Although I have no idea how long they last... I have sealed exterior  
earthen plastered walls with both Olive and Veggie oil with success  
(only a small section, so as not to impead transpiration!).

I would guess that almost any oil could be used (not just linseed). I  
actually wanted to ask someday: why is it we always use Linseed Oil?  
Have other oils been tested and seen as lasting less time?

> We assume that avocado and palm oils are available however, we are  
> coming up empty handed on how to process them as a sealer/penetrant.

If what you have is palm or avocado oil, I would use them- in the same  
way as Linseed oil- warning the inhabitants that it may have to be  
replied with time.

My walls have been painted about 5 years ago, and they are still  
resisting. However, I do live in a dry climate.

good luck,

El 08/03/2011, a las 15:06, andy mueller escribió:

> Dear GSBN folks,
> The Ti Kay Pay (pronounced te kai pie in Kreyol and means Small  
> house of straw) team is in the final stages of completing the first  
> bale structure in Haiti! It has been a challenging yet incredibly  
> rewarding experience for us all and the building itself is receiving  
> much praise from the local community.
> The last component of the building to be completed is the earthen  
> floor. Our team is struggling with securing an effective and  
> durable, topically applied oil or penetrant that can be found within  
> country. We assume that avocado and palm oils are available however,  
> we are coming up empty handed on how to process them as a sealer/ 
> penetrant.
> We would welcome any and all ideas, comments and/or suggestions.
> To learn more about our project please visit the Builder's Without  
> Borders website www.builderswithoutborders.org  or visit my blog athttp://tikaypay.wordpress.com/
> Thanks,
> andy mueller
> GreenSpace Collaborative
> www.greenspacecollaborative.com
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