[GSBN] Under slab and edge insulation at doorways

John Swearingen jswearingen at skillful-means.com
Wed Feb 9 02:42:03 UTC 2011

Are you "casting perlite before swine?"  Ok, bad pun.

What I'm still concerned about with perlite is that you can grow things in
it.  This does not seem like a Good Thing.

>From the Supreme Perlite FAQ, *"**It holds moisture and nutrients for
assimilation by roots over time."  *If there was moisture intrusion, would
this not create a thermal bridge to nowhere?  or Terabithia?  or simply give
you cold feet?  It's given me cold feet, so far.....can you warm them for

*"Errors like straws upon the surface flow: Who would search for pearls must
dive below.” * John Dryden

John “Pearly Whites" Swearingen

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Kelly Lerner
<klerner at one-world-design.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> In an effort to get away from the global warming potential of and fire
> retardants in rigid insulation, I'm beginning to design with compacted
> perlite as under-slab insulation in strawbale houses in Spokane, WA (east
> side of WA - cold winter - 6800 heating degree days, high desert, dry -
> about 16" rain/year, water table is usually quite low and soils are well
> drained).
> I've found a relatively local source for perlite(Portland) and the costs
> for R-value are comparable to or less than rigid insulation. I'm installing
> perlite under the slab and wrapping it up the edge of the slab (on the
> interior of the stem wall - under the strawbale wall), but I'm having
> trouble detailing "slab edge insulation" at the door ways. Anyone have any
> experience or thoughts about the right approach? Contact me on or off list.
> Thanks!
> In case you're wondering about perlite, here's a link:
> http://www.perlite.com/faqs.htm
>  Kelly Lerner, Architect
> One World Design Architecture
> 509-838-8812
> www.one-world-design.com
> Have you read Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House? Available in
> Bookstores across the Universe.
> www.naturalremodeling.com
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John Swearingen
Skillful Means Design & Construction
2550 9th Street   Suite 209A
Berkeley, CA   94710
510.849.1800 phone
510.849.1900 fax

Web Site:  http://www.skillful-means.com
Blog:         https://skillfulmeansdesign.wordpress.com
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