[GSBN] Patron Saint of Strawbale (PSSB) retiring

shipharbour at ns.sympatico.ca shipharbour at ns.sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 4 03:22:47 UTC 2011


We`ve known this was coming, but it is still a surprise!

What a pleasure it has been working with you over the years. Your patience,
trust and vision have been inspiring indeed. A gentle, articulate voice in a very large organization dedicated to making so much research accessible. Can only hope that you have been mentoring someone that can continue the work and the culture that you have created through many CMHC programs.

All the best in your next adventures. Hope we might see more of you in the Maritimes now, just a bike ride away.....



---- RT <ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca> wrote: 
> For those who have not seen the message sent out by Don in this morning's  
> mail:
> ------- Forwarded message -------
> From: dfugler at cmhc-schl.gc.ca
> Subject: My retirement
> Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 08:15:53 -0500
> Good morning,
> I am retiring from CMHC. This is my last week in the office. I have really  
> enjoyed being a researcher for CMHC and a good part of that stimulation  
> has been working with you all: colleagues, other researchers, the building  
> industry, air quality specialists, journalists, clients, and others. While  
> there is still an abundance of research questions, at least we have  
> uncovered some of the answers.
> I will be checking this e-mail address until the first week of March, as I  
> use up accumulated vacation time.
> Thank you all.
> Don Fugler
> CMHC Policy and Research
> ------ End of forwarded material -----
> A number of  years ago,  Don estimated that during his years at CMHC  
> Research,  he had pedaled about 70,000 kilometres on his daily commutes to  
> and from work,  year-round, through snow blizzards, drowning rain,  
> stinging sleet, frying pan heat ... you name it, Don's probably pedaled  
> through it to get to work .
> At that time, I suggested to Don that he was not allowed to retire until  
> he reached 100,000 km .
> I guess Don turned over the "100,000 km"  mark this week ?
> Either that,  or he spent 2 hours pedaling through yesterday morning's  
> blizzard  (yet again) and while breaking the ice off of his  
> beard/moustache so that he could holler "SORRY ! EXCUSE ME !!!" at a  
> fish-tailing SUV that came this > < close to smucking him, decided:
>       "Okay. That's The Last Straw. I'm quittin' this rat race and heading  
> up to Nunavut (formerly the Northwest Territories) to where a guy can  
> cycle through a blizzard in peace."
> But (a little more) seriously:
> My guess is that if one were to gather all of the SB-related research and  
> testing done in Canada over the past 15 years or so, one would probably  
> find that Don was instrumental in helping to bring it about. And the thing  
> is, strawbale and natural building related topics are only one small  
> aspect of the research that he has shepherded.
> If the international SB community gave out something like a "Golden  
> Sheaf"  lapel pin in recognition of  years invaluable service,  Don would  
> get a chestful of them.  (Except that Don never wears suits so he'd have  
> nothing to pin them to.)
> -- 
> === * ===
> Rob Tom
> Kanata, Ontario, Canada
> < A r c h i L o g i c at Y a h o o dot c a >
> manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit "reply"

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