[GSBN] Exterior plaster sealer?

Tom Hahn tomhahn at econet.org
Fri Jan 21 21:36:07 UTC 2011

There's that expertise I knew would come to the fore from John... :-)

I misspoke in naming only "siloxanes", but most, if not all of what 
we have used, including most of Enviroseal's products, are blends... 
and yes, I agree with the need for a blend in alkaline compositions...

Thanks for catching that, John!

And, under the conditions described by Darrel, I also think the 
rainscreen design (however it is best practiced...) is worth having 
as a backup plan, in if an extensive retrofit is necessary.


>I agree : siloxanes are great. But silanes are more tolerant of 
>highly alkaline substrates and hence why I recommend the blend (not 
>sure how much lime is in the mix).
>John Straube
>519 741 7920
>Sent via BlackBerry
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Hahn <tomhahn at econet.org>
>Sender: GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com
>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 07:33:02
>To: (private, with public archives) Global Straw Building 
>Network<GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
>Reply-To: "(private, with public archives) Global Straw Building 
>Network" <GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
>Subject: Re: [GSBN] Exterior plaster sealer?
>Ultimately, I'll defer to John's expertise with them, but we have
>also had good experience with siloxanes... admittedly not under such
>severe conditions as you describe, Darrel.

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