[GSBN] Self-nominating requests

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Tue Dec 21 07:12:41 UTC 2010

We received a request from Maria Angela Pucci  "an italian engineer 
and I am member of "EDILPAGLIA" the Italian Association Straw Bales 
Buildings " (whose recent request regarding Swedish structural codes 
I allowed through to the list) to join us on GSBN.

What say y'all?

As long as I'm asking, the following have also asked some time in the 
past but apparently didn't read the "About this list" paragraph:

janmaud at gmail.com
Jan Zandvoort

strawbus at auracom.com
tina therrien

enrico.deangelis at polimi.it
Enrico De Angelis

l_cartlidge at yahoo.co.uk
Lucy Cartlidge

Any names you recognize?  Any that you'd want to have on the list?

I have not contacted any of them with questions about their 
involvement in SB, etc etc.   Feel free to do so if you want to take 
the time;  I'm not inclined to at the moment....

Bill Christensen

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