[GSBN] Frank Tettemer on GSBN? [GSBN Digest, Vol 31, Issue 3]

RT ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca
Sun Nov 7 19:45:28 UTC 2010

On Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:00:03 -0500, <gsbn-request at greenbuilder.com> wrote:

> From: Bill Christensen <billc at greenbuilder.com>
> Frank just requested admission to the club.

> What say y'all?

Well, I'll tell ya.

When I first saw Duck Foo'd's message in which he forwarded Frank's "SB  
Fire" message to this list, I had to wonder why I have been granted  
membership to this list but Frank has not.

My second thought was that I should offer to forfeit my membership in  
order to make room for Frank because I think that he'd have more to  
contribute (and take away to share with others) than I.

That "second thought" still stands as does the offer, if necessary
-- which is to say


to Frank's admission (or "Ha-a-a-arrrr! Avast me mateys! if we're talking  
like drunken pirates in this "club" today.)

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a >
manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit "reply"
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