[GSBN] FW: TLS#62/Putting a Project Together

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Thu Sep 23 13:48:12 UTC 2010

Thanks Robert. Always appreciate your contributions to the journal. I'm in
the process of gathering content for TLS#62/Putting a Project Together and
encourage others to send in or guide me to content for this issue.

Seems that people in Nebraska have awakened again to the value of straw as a
building material. My seminars are well attended, there are two new
commercial buildings in the works and one completed last year, and I didn't
heard the story of the Three Little Pigs while talking to people in the
Wheat Growers Association/Wheat Board booth at the Nebraska State Fair. And
the Wheat Growers Association/Wheat Board invited me to participate in their
exhibit, I didn't have to ask them - perhaps another indication of growers
beginning to see that a value-added market can be developed through
straw-bale building.


------ Forwarded Message
From: <valleymind at earthlink.net>
Reply-To: <valleymind at earthlink.net>, "(private,  with public archives)
Global Straw Building Network" <GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:29:21 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
To: "(private, with public archives) Global Straw Building Network"
<GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
Subject: Re: [GSBN] TLS#62/Putting a Project Together

Hi Joyce --
We have a popular handout on perceiving land -- just 2 pages, titled "43
Site Considerations,"
and it's in the RESOURCES section of our website, www.radius-architects.com,
if you want to point people that way.  I'll also attach it to this message
-- it's a word document, no illustrations or fancy formatting!
Your topic list is comprehensive and inspiring, and I'll have more
suggestions and thoughts when
I get some time to digest!
Hope you get a super response for this issue -- well, for ALL issues.  I'm
believing the bale community and the larger sustainable building
communities, are "out there" still, but quiescent because of recession.

More soon, 
Robert Gay
Radius Architects, Tucson.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Joyce Coppinger <jc10508 at windstream.net>
>Sent: Aug 30, 2010 1:17 PM
>To: "(private, with public archives) Global Straw Building Network"
<GSBN at greenbuilder.com>
>Subject: [GSBN] TLS#62/Putting a Project Together
>Hello all,
>Hope you are all having a busy and successful building projects so far this
>year. I'm working on TLS#62/Putting a Project Together and would like to get
>your input. In this issue, the goal is to share information about how to
>successfully and profitably put a project together - whether you are an
>owner/builder or play a professional role. I'm trying to share articles on:
>what to look for in a building site/land
>how to site a building
>how to select materials including bales
>how to determine if a product is really "green" or "sustainable"
>how to work through codes and permit processes
>importance of reading the codes for strawbale (even if you don't have a
>local code - you can learn a great deal about design and construction,
>materials and methods, just by reading the codes)
>how to finance a project especially in these difficult economic times when
>so many conventional methods may not work
>best ways to calculate costs of materials, labor, permits and other costs
>how to find insurance - during construction, homeowners, professional
>liability coverage
>things that people often don't think about or budget for - utility
>connections, access roads/streets, cost over-runs, change order costs,
>delays in shipments or getting the construction work done, liens and so on
>working with clients in the design phase
>working with clients in the construction phase
>working with change orders
>working with clients before, during and after plastering phase
>how to estimate costs and budget for all costs of the project - pre-design
>through final inspection
>how to manage a timeline, types of timelines to use
>how to use checklists as a builder, as an owner/builder
>how to work with architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, trades
>people (plumbers, electricians, energy) suppliers, and all other
>professionals and people involved in a project
>types of liability builders must be aware of - design issues, construction
>problems, warranties, guarantees, promising more than the product or
>equipment will give or claims to give (especially when working with "green"
>products or materials or supplies and renewable energy equipment and systems
>which are new technologies or equipment
>and any others that you want to see included or about which you want to
>share. I have others on my list, I'm sure you do, too.
>TlS has published two articles on how to hold a bale raising and one on how
>to organize an open house - so this seems to be covered - unless you have
>new or other ideas about this
>I'm going to be doing an entire issue on bales - if you want to write about
>finding bales, the right type of bales, handling and preparing bales,
>checking moisture in bales, types of balers, types of materials to bale, or
>anything else...feel free to send in an article - but I'll probably hold it
>for the All About Bales and Baling issue #66.
>Always appreciate your input and contributions for TLS, a reader-written
>Joyce Coppinger
>Managing Editor/Publisher
>The Last Straw, the international journal
>of strawbale and natural building
>PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
>Phone 402.483.5135
><thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
>web site: www.thelaststraw.org
>and our new blog at http://thelaststrawblog.org
>GSBN mailing list
>GSBN at greenbuilder.com
GSBN mailing list
GSBN at greenbuilder.com

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