[GSBN] FW: Making Space 2010: architecture and design for children and young people

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Fri Jul 16 16:20:57 UTC 2010

Sharing this message received by The Last Straw.  Joyce
------ Forwarded Message
From: Hannah Goodrum <hgoodrum at childreninscotland.org.uk>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 11:58:31 +0100
Subject: Making Space 2010: architecture and design for children and young

Dear colleagues

I work for Children in Scotland, the long-standing national umbrella agency
for the whole of the children's sector in Scotland. I though you might be
interested to hear about Making Space 2010, an international architecture
award supported by the Scottish Government and OECD Centre for Effective
Learning Environments. Submissions are invited from across the world for the
most successful building or space (indoor or outdoor) for children and young
people aged 0-18 (inclusive), completed between January 2005 and December

We have have not had many entries from America and I am hoping to circulate
the information as widely as possible to generate some further interest and
would be delighted if you could forwarded the information within your

Entries are welcomed for any building or space that is for children and
young people from schools to street furnishings, recreational or
educational, rural or urban.

Entries should exemplify innovation and creativity in design as well as
demonstrating a strong process of user participation and involvement.
Entries are encouraged from anyone involved in the creation and use of a
building or space, for example, architects, designers, structural engineers,
urban designers, landscape designers, teachers, educators, users, children
and young people, commercial developers, community groups, design

Full entries must be received by 8 August 2010 and award winners will be
announced at an international conference on 7-8 October 2010 in Edinburgh.
This major conference brings together a range of international experts who
will examine issues related to children and space from aspects of how
children and young people relate to their environment and its impact on
their development and what we need to focus on in the future.

Please find attached documents outlining the award and international
conference if you wish to circulate to any colleagues who may be interested.
Further information about the award, conference and entry registration can
be viewed online at www.childreninscotland.org.uk/makingspace
<http://www.childreninscotland.org.uk/makingspace> .

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any further

Kind regards

Hannah Goodrum
Communications Assistant
Children in Scotland
Princes House
5 Shandwick Place
Edinburgh EH2 4RG
Tel: 0131 222 2431
Email:  hgoodrum at childreninscotland.org.uk
Web: http://www.childreninscotland.org.uk

A company limited by guarantee.  Registered in Scotland No. 83383
Inland Revenue Charity No. SC003527 VAT No. 875 7960 59

Nothing written referred to or repeated here is or may be taken for an offer
or commitment

'Making Space 2010 ­ architecture and design for children and young people'
­ international conference,
7-8 October, Edinburgh. Book now at



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