[GSBN] Lightweight concrete roofs

Paul Olivier paul.olivier at esrint.com
Mon Jun 21 15:51:47 UTC 2010


Please forgive me for asking dumb questions about something you have
*It sounds as though there is plenty of resources for the mix so I won't
address that too much now...it's not rocket science. You basically use the
latex as you would water for a cement mix with sand. You can use as little
latex mixed with water as seems effective...more latex (50/50) to water for
the initial coat. I can attest that the system works well and can be low
cost. It is easy to learn and quick to build.*
I am keenly interested in use of latex with cement,
and I would like to find a good summary of the steps involved.
We will soon start building outhouses in a ferro-cement over urine-diverting
and it is critical that moisture does not penetrate the structure over time.
This effort is summarized at: http://www.esrla.com/pdf/toilet.pdf
Today we are putting up the first ferro-cement structure as depicted in this
We must get it right, and your advice would be greatly appreciated.


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:47 PM, MARK SCHUENEMAN <huffnpuff at q.com> wrote:

>  Greetings All interested parties,
> The 'Nez' Roof system has certainly progressed beyond the experimental
> stages. The are many roofs around the world thanks to George and Al Knott.
> The reason George didn't return your email is probably he just returned from
> training folks his roof system in Uganda where they did a roof for a
> performing arts center. I know there's Nez roofs in Afghanistan, Kenya,
> Rwanda as well as many other working demo structures in the Denver area and
> the mid west US. He has trained his roof system to many folks , including
> myself, and we've built the system many times around the world. His model of
> 'roof first' makes sense. He was working with a minister in Afghanistan
> after their earthquake when all they had was tarps. Snows would collapse the
> tarps when they could have built his roof with mostly salvaged materials and
> used the tarps and more salvaged materials for walls. Recently he's been in
> conversations with some folks in Haiti, so he could get you in touch with
> them.
> George is a wonderful man with a vision and plan and energy abundant for a
> Ninety year young fellow. Mr. Nez started doing disaster relief work for the
> federal Government in Central America years ago. He has always been
> more than happy to share his knowledge with anyone interested. As a matter
> of fact, you may want to make a pot of tea for a conversation with George.
> He is a most knowledgeable resource when it comes to disaster relief. If you
> have a project going somewhere I'd guess George is a suitcase packing away
> from joining you for a demo of his roof system, as would I, or to discus
> your project.
> His system is more about the shape of the structure and the latex
> coating but the 'fabric' for the roof has been an evolution. He used to
> weave a fiberglass netting for the latex parging but has worked with and
> tested regular old cotton fabric (or even tarps) with chicken mesh. These
> materials seem more readily available in most parts of the world and
> cheaper. The frames can be made of salvaged materials and spliced
> effectively. The latex for the concrete parging can be old left over (or
> oops) paints, if you can live with the color. It sounds as though there is
> plenty of resources for the mix so I won't address that too much now...it's
> not rocket science. You basically use the latex as you would water for a
> cement mix with sand. You can use as little latex mixed with water as seems
> effective...more latex (50/50) to water for the initial coat. I can attest
> that the system works well and can be low cost. It is easy to learn and
> quick to build.
> The latex parging seems very durable, flexible (elastic), waterproof and
> enduring. The material itself is not that difficult to work with other than
> that it doesn't lend itself to a great esthetic. My guess is that if you're
> homeless, cold or hot and wet, you could care less about esthetics. Once you
> apply the parging with a few strokes of a brush or trowel further strokings
> only drag, ball and/or tear. I got some on my vehicle and missed cleaning it
> until the next day and when I removed it some paint came with it...it's
> sticky. Clean your tools soon and often.
> If interested please feel free to write myself or George
> geonez at peoplepc.com or call me with your thoughts or inquires.
> Regards,
> Mark Schueneman
> 303-444-6027 hm.
> 303-591-9841 cell
> > From: bob at bobtheis.net
> > Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 22:57:55 -0700
> > To: GSBN at greenbuilder.com
> > Subject: Re: [GSBN] Lightweight concrete roofs
> >
> > We've been considering this technique for work in Haiti, but I never
> > got a reply to my email to George Nez, asking, among other things,
> > whether the technique has progressed beyond the experimental roof at
> > the University of Colorado.
> >
> > Does anyone know of further work with it? I'm especially wondering if
> > someone has tried making corrugated or folded plate panels.
> >
> > Bob Theis
> >
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Paul A. Olivier PhD
27C Pham Hong Thai Street

Louisiana telephone: 1-337-447-4124 (rings Vietnam)
Mobile: 063 399 7256 (in Vietnam)
Skype address: Xpolivier
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